Home Spirituality 4 healing actions when dense energy pollutes your field
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4 healing actions when dense energy pollutes your field

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4 healing actions when dense energy pollutes your field
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These 4 actions can be done in any order. But it is a deliberate choice you make to connect to that Life Force Energy that knows what in you needs healing and knows how to heal you and how to connect you – to what you are being made ready for. If you found yourself here – there is a reason. Do these actions and write the connections that come to you.

All dense-energy-lessons appeared to bring you to this clarity and this purpose that is manifesting now for you. Enjoy the connection and unfurl.

Clearing dense and polluted energy from your aura requires these 4 actions from you:

Salt Bath: Take a shower and the final rinse to be of Rock Salt imagining all the dense energy you feel being dissolved and released from you. Sense where you feel it most and cleanse that spot. Ensure that you cleanse with rock salt in the soles of your feet and in between your toes. Say: “I release any energy that is not mine and that is making me heavy and emotional. Release, release, release.”

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Visualization: After the salt bath, visualize that all that heavy energy has left your body. If you have not had a salt bath yet, you can still visualize – a beautiful, sizzling golden light pouring in from the top of your head like a fountain and occupying every micro milimetre of your body inside and out – and dissolving all the heaviness and releasing all that into the sky for transmutation into healing energy – that heals all the heaviness inside of you and those that are struggling and do not have access to this healing. Making so much space within you – filled with bright, golden light and connecting you to your core.

Breath-Work: When you feel that heavy, dense energy fills you – stop whatever you are doing and do 5 sets of 7171 Breathing. Deep gentle inhalation for 7 counts followed by holding your breath for 1 count followed by slow, complete exhalation for 7 counts and then hold for 1 count. Repeat this for a minimum of 5 slow reps. You will find that you have released a lot of the intensity of what was overwhelming you.

Nature Walk: As you feel the polluted energy becoming more intense – go for a walk and hold the trunk of a tree if you can. If you cannot – look at the detail of the patterns on the trunk and its branches and leaves, the flowers and connect with the vastness of the sky and all of nature. Become observant in this walk of the sounds of the birds, of butterflies, bees, wasps and of any animals that you see. People walking their dogs or a cat sitting quietly. Connect to the healing and cleansing power of nature that wants you to be released of what overtook you and it is so intelligent – this energy – it knows what has impacted you – and how to heal that denseness in you and fill you with your abundance and purpose and clarity of your raw soul frequency. Without all the chatter and the heaviness.

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