Home Spirituality Experience the Blissfulness of Being
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Experience the Blissfulness of Being

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Experience the blissfulness of being
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This mean experience the blissfulness is the golden mean, the middle path that the Buddha and others have talked about. It is just that different people arrive at a different mean. This is not a passive, sedate state but a lively, pleasant state – like a nice morning. No thunder claps, but everything is fine, going well. This is where the “Good morning!” comes from.

When you wake up in the morning after having been removed from the world for a period of time, it feels so nice. Even the afternoon is nice, and so is the evening and everything else, but it takes a withdrawal for you to notice this. It is like after having nothing but kanji for five days, you eat regular food again. You will suddenly notice how nice it is. Every moment is good in its own way, but it takes a withdrawal for you to notice this.

The Golden Mean Experience the Blissfulness

This golden mean is not non-participating. If you want, you can fly up and land again, or you can go down and come back again, but in any case, you maintain a certain level of Experience the Blissfulness. Organizing this Experience the Blissfulness is the work of your kriya. If you do your kriya properly, you will hit that golden mean and maintain it. From there, you can strive to set your golden mean at a higher, more exuberant level.

Depending on how much energy and aliveness you generate within yourself, your mean will settle at a higher or lower level. But wherever it settles, it will be a beautiful Experience the Blissfulness for you. It is not effervescent ecstasy because you cannot maintain that, or if you do, you cannot be active in the world. You can get sozzled with ecstasy, but then you will not be able to do whatever you have to do.

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If you want to be effective in the world, you need to maintain the golden mean of Experience the Blissfulness – a Experience the Blissfulness that is, for lack of better words, a combination of natural peacefulness and joyfulness. Let’s say you are moving around in the morning, making your breakfast, humming without knowing; you simply feel nice – this is Experience the Blissfulness. Ecstasy is a freaked-out state of pleasantness.

You cannot stay there unless you have reached a certain level of energy. There are yogis – they are called avadhutas – who are in such states of ecstasy that they do not even know that they must eat. They do not care to do anything. Someone has to feed them, someone has to take them to the toilet – as if they were completely drugged out. But in today’s world, there is no one to take care of you – you better come down.

Once human beings are conscious, what would they choose: bliss or misery? The answer is self-evident. Once they are blissful, every activity becomes blissful. Whether it is praying or peeing, every activity can become a joyful process.

How then do we bring consciousness into our daily lives? There are many ways. Start with something as simple as sleep. Every night presents us with a tremendous possibility: of becoming aware of the dimension beyond death. Sleep is nothing but temporary death.

Make an attempt to be aware of the moment you transition from wakefulness to sleep. If that is difficult, try to become aware of the moment you transition from sleep to wakefulness. Try substituting an alarm with a sound, tune, or chant that reminds you to become aware – either of your breath, or your body. Once you achieve waking and sleeping with awareness, you have become deathless: when it comes to shedding your body, you will do so with absolute ease and awareness.

Another simple way is to bring love into your heart. Love is never between two people. It is what happens within you. Your interiority need not be enslaved to anyone else. Go sit with something that means nothing to you right now: maybe a plant, pebble, or a chair. Do this for 15 minutes a day for a few days. After a while, you will find you can look upon it with as much love as you do your beloved spouse, parent, or a child. Once you look at everything lovingly, the whole world becomes beautiful in your Experience the Blissfulness. This simple practice can become hugely transformative.

Read also: How to Experience Bliss Through Stillness

Yet another way to sharpen attention to the simplest activity is to set your kitchen tap so that only five or 10 drops fall per minute. For 20 minutes a day, observe each drop – how it forms, falls, splashes to the ground. You are actually exploring a limb of yog, called dharana, that which flows. This is an exercise in attention: turning what is intermittent and sporadic into a flow. Once your attention and awareness are in full flow, your sensitivity and clarity increase tremendously. You begin to see that you and the water are not separate. Your sense of separateness was only your idea.

Activity is always a consequence of how you are. Without fixing your interiority, if you try to fix activity, you will only become enslaved. This is responsible for the range of human compulsions, from substance addiction to sexuality. With a simple change in direction, you realise that external activity may be a trigger, but human Experience the Blissfulness is 100% self-created. If you are aware, you can activate your system in such a way that simply breathing is an enormous pleasure.

Read also: Inspirational Christian Gifts for Mom to Celebrate New Year

As master of your own well-being, you see that life is not a pursuit of bliss but an expression of it. You can turn every daily chore, every routine act of seeming domestic drudgery, into joyous action.

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